When you focus on your health and feeling good from the inside out, everything else will fall into place. You deserve this happiness.

Experience Your Own Success Story.
I’ve tried every fad diet out there and it wasn’t until I started working with, Danielle that I found the solution.
”I struggled with my weight for a while since I had my son. I’ve tried every fad diet out there and it wasn’t until I started working with Danielle, that I found the solution. She didn’t give me the quick fix, she gave me the knowledge I needed to make a lifestyle change–a plan that would help me lose the weight, feel good and keep it off.
I started working with Danielle in Feb of 2014 and by May, I felt great!! I had lost almost all the weight I had wanted to, my body was toned and I had changed my diet completely. I no longer felt drained and exhausted throughout the day, I had so much more energy.
Danielle’s love, compassion, knowledge and dedication to her clients is unlike anything I have ever seen. She made herself available to answer any questions I may have had, to simply check up on me, or to give me a much needed pep talk a few times. No matter what, everything was heartfelt because she understands you and that you still are living a life with a full time job and family. She recognizes that things come up in day to day life no matter what she is always on your side and there to steer you back in the right direction.
Her explanations on the reasons why we are doing what we are doing and the science behind it, really leaves you with an understanding of what you need to do. I’m am so grateful for Danielle and will never be able to thank her enough for all she has done. Danielle is truly an exceptional coach and I encourage anyone who is looking to make a change to work with her, you will not regret it.”
Ali J., CT
I am living proof that Danielle’s program works, and I am proud to admit that I have achieved my goal
When I first came to Danielle, I was three months post partum with twin baby boys. I had gained 60 pounds of baby weight and pregnancy survival eating. I really wanted to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
With not a lot of time to cook, or even sleep for that matter, I asked Danielle to help and also for her advice on a protein shake or something to help me with some sort of direction toward a way that I could lose weight. I never expected to be taken on a lifestyle changing journey.
Now a little back story, prior to my pregnancy. I have always been a very active person, as well as always eating healthy with a focus on protein and low carb meals. I focused on eating yogurts and healthy snacks and really enjoyed being able to eat what I wanted for lunch and dinner. I never deprived myself of anything that I liked to eat or was craving. I always exercised and maintained myself in a way that I admired.
However, after the babies were born, I clearly was not happy with how I felt when I looked in the mirror. I wanted to love myself as much as I loved the babies, but I could only eat when I could and it was mostly in a hurry because baby duty always was calling. I ate whatever I could, when I could, and for a year, I was a survival eater. I made the choice to talk Danielle, take on her program and give it my best shot while enjoying the experience.
Working with Danielle has retrained my body and my mind when it comes to food. Danielle has shown me that everyone is different and what might work for one person, might not work for another. This is important to pay attention to while you are going through the program. She will work very close with you as you go through this life changing journey. She will make sure you figure out what food will fuel your body best and she will develop a program with you, to give you the results that you ultimately want.
I am living proof that Danielle’s program works, and I am proud to admit that I have achieved my goal with both an extremely busy schedule and two newborn babies to care for when my work day is done.
Lastly, working with Danielle has helped me retrain my body and my mind, when it comes to food. I am better for experiencing not only the weight loss, but the program itself set me and my family up for the rest of our lives. I cannot thank Danielle enough for her attention to detail, and her ability to be there for me with an answer to my many questions along the way. I am back to myself again, I feel great and can honestly say I am happy again.
Stephanie O., CT
Danielle has instilled upon me the tools to forever live this healthy lifestyle.
My journey with Danielle began 6 months ago. I was 9 months post partum with my 3rd baby and was having a hard time getting back on “track”. While my habits were not out of control, I needed and was ready for a change. I was still 20 lbs over my pre pregnancy weight, but more importantly, I just didn’t like the way I felt.
After reaching out to Danielle, within that first conversation, I knew that her guidance, knowledge, and daily support would lead me to my goal of a healthier, happier lifestyle. Within the first week of working with her, I was almost in disbelief as to how good I felt! I didn’t realize how bad I felt until I started to feel so good!
Danielle has instilled upon me the tools to forever live this healthy lifestyle. It is with 100% confidence that this is something I can and will maintain for the rest of my life. While she has taught me some very valuable lessons, one of the biggest lessons that I learned from her and I try to pass along to others, is that this isn’t a “diet”, it is a true lifestyle change. I now look at foods based on how they will nourish my body. Thankfully, as a result of Danielle’s expertise, I don’t have to sacrifice taste for nutrients. She has the ability to put together meals and snacks that are not only good for your body, but taste amazing too! This is something I would never be able to do on my own.
Six months later, I have lost, and maintained that loss, of 32 lbs, but the knowledge I have gained from Danielle’s guidance and support is immeasurable.
Melissa G., CT
You have led me to a place I never truly believed existed.
Dear Danielle,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. I am so thankful that you were put on this earth and that I found you. You have led me to a place I never truly believed existed … The positivity that radiates from you is addictive and contagious. Your “Disney-like” words of wisdom always help me when I need them most. I feel like you are my own personal “fairy god mother” of my heart and soul. Sometimes I don’t even realize I need to hear what you are saying until after you have said it. You manage to tap into my thoughts, my feelings and my soul. You make me want to be a better person for ME!!!
It’s funny how the food choices are such a small part of this healthy living journey. You have taught me that it isn’t about the food but so much more. This is a new lifestyle, a better and more fulfilling lifestyle. There will always be bumps on this journey but as you say, if it were all rainbows and butterflies then How would we be able to appreciate it? I have far to go in my journey but thanks to you, I have realized what an amazing journey it is and well worth it.
Thank you and I love you!
Stephanie E., MA
Danielle is all about enjoying the food you love but putting a “clean” twist on it.
I started working with Danielle in March of 2014, I was 6 months postpartum and I was struggling to get my baby weight off . When I contacted Danielle, she was so encouraging and excited to work with me, which made me really excited! Danielle has taught me new ways to make the foods I love, she has not only helped me loose weight she taught me how to buy the right food. I have lost 35 lbs. since I started working with Danielle. She was and is always there when I need guidance on a meal or workout tips.
I have encouraged people I know that are struggling with their weight to contact her and seek her nutritional advise. I feel extremely healthy since I started working with her, not only has she helped me personally I have carried over what I have learned to my daughter who is only 11 months old, my husband and coworkers. I want to make sure I always live this lifestyle.
Danielle is all about enjoying the food you love but putting a “clean” twist on it. I use to feel guilty about my food choices, I can say with full confidence that I haven’t felt that way in long time. With Danielle’s knowledge on food and exercise, I will be able to maintain this lifestyle. I have never felt better about myself, I am so grateful for everything she has done for me.
Blake K., CT
I never truly knew how good my body was meant to feel.
My journey with Danielle started February 24th and although I was unsure of what was in-store, she reassured me as long as I trusted her that I would get to where I wanted to be. Danielle provided me with the knowledge and positive energy I needed to succeed in reaching my goal of being and feeling healthy.
Everyday she was there to coach and guide me in the right direction. While working with Danielle, I’ve never felt so clear minded. I never truly knew how good my body was meant to feel. She not only provided me with a healthy eating plan, but also an amazing work out routine that really taps into those unwanted fat stores and gave me energy to carry out my day.
Most importantly, she provided the most amazing support and motivation. I am so blessed she came into my life, she truly is an amazing person inside and out!
Jaime C., CT
I can honestly say that I have never felt better in my life.
I reached out to Danielle after seeing the results and hearing the success stories of two close friends. My first phone call to Danielle was life changing and helped solidify for me that everything happens for a reason. We spoke for twenty minutes that first day, by the end of our conversation I was literally in tears telling Danielle how I was stuck in such a dark place and I was worried that I would “fail” like other diets in the past.
Danielle took the time to listen to me and explained in full detail why I was feeling the way I was and was nothing short of reassuring that she could help shift my mindset and teach me how to stay away from those dark forces that try to bring me down. And I believed her. She taught me that the way I think about food, prepare food, and eat food is NOT a diet, but a new way of life. It’s about feeling good from the inside out.
Although I was worried about changes to my habits and my routines involving food, choices at the grocery store, daily activities, etc., I was also extremely excited to make positive changes and to move forward without looking back.
Danielle has the patience of a saint and was always checking in on me via text, email, or phone call to make sure I was on track and had no questions or concerns. In the beginning, I had some trouble adjusting and made some poor choices-many times! I found that it was so hard to admit to myself I was making poor choices, but once I told Danielle, she had a way of making me realize I shouldn’t beat myself up over bumps in the road, and that this entire process is something that is LEARNED, or I would just be “doing and not learning”. Her support was nothing short of unwavering and her knowledge was worth it’s weight in gold!
As the weeks went on and I was seeing results all around me, my clothes were no longer fitting because they were too big, the positive energy that surrounded me, the happiness and sense of contentment I felt in my soul…..all because of Danielle, I knew that I made the right decision by reaching out to Danielle and having faith in her. I learned so much from Danielle and I am not sure that there is ever a way I can repay her for what she has taught me. My relationship with dieting is officially over. I have been taught a new way of life and will no longer need any quick fad diets to feel good about myself. Danielle taught me the importance of knowing what I am fueling my body with. I learned how to read labels, but not to count calories, rather to read the ingredients and only consume “things that love me back”.
I can honestly say that I have never felt better in my life. My mind is in the best place it has ever been. My health has been the best it has been in years. My soul is happy. All because of Danielle DelVecchio.
Deidre W., CT
She really taught me how to eat for my body.
5 Months ago I knew that I had to do something – make a change in my eating habits to help with my weight loss and to ultimatley learn how to live a healthier lifestyle. Danielle guided me every step of the way with weekly check-ins, reminders and calls to discuss progress, questions and what to expect next. She really taught me how to eat for my body. Portion size, foods to go to verse foods to avoid based on how my body reacts, timing of meals, as well as how to incorporate exercise as a part of a daily routine.
This wasnt just another “diet” for me, this was a new healthier way of life that I was introduced to and have carried over to my family.
Popi C., MA
She lifted me up and inspired me so much from the start of our first conversation
Danielle has been such an inspiration to me ever since I started following her on Instagram. I didn’t realize the magnitude of her strength and knowledge until I contacted her after struggling with a major plateau that I was experiencing when trying to lose my baby weight. I didnt want to just lose weight. I was feeling awful….. Exhausted all the time and lacking motivation. I was ready to make a change and Danielle was the perfect person to contact. Her energy is contagious. She lifted me up and inspired me so much from the start of our first conversation. She took so much time to hear what I had to say and I could tell from the start that she was fully invested in my journey. She is so knowledgeable about the health/wellness and the fitness industry. She is not offering a fad diet or a quick fix. She is offering a wonderful service that leads to a lifestyle change. She was my guide and helped me transform my body and mind. I will continue to work with Danielle because her knowledge is endless and priceless and I know I would not be where I am today, living healthy and happy, without the wonderful guidance that SHE provided to me.